Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hubba Hubba

Ok, so apparently i suck at maintaining a blog. My posts are about as irregular as a pubescent girl's menstrual cycle (way to gross people out!) - but watch out world! 'Cos i'm back! Uh-uh! Nod your heads y'all!

---No more Soul-jah boy for me---

In case you are wondering what that statement is about... have you guys heard that REALLY CRAPPY song soul-jah boy? That's about the only discernable word in that entire song. Sometimes i think hiphop should be abolished as a genre. But then we'd have nothing to dance to in the clubs.

Alas, but i am resigned to my fate.

I have so many things to blog about, i don't even know when to start!

Well ok, so this week's been relative madness. And shaping up to be even more mad if my lineup of social gatherings is of any indication. I have plans to meet people every week of the day. WHY DOES EVERYONE COME BACK HOME NOW!? Of the lot of gatherings, im most excited about meeting Shandong boy and the IBM girls. Hanging out with the IBM girls has always been a blast and i'm quite excited to see Kanz again. Accidental run-ins in the MRTs don't quite cut it for me!

Also now i'm highly excited about seeing The Taj Mahal play. TWB's v.good friend's the lead actress in it and from what i've heard, rehearsals are everyday. Which means alot of effort is being put into the production. Which should translate to a fan-fucking-tastic performance. Yay! I do hope the script does justice to the mughal empire and the amazing persian culture. Alot of Hindu scriptwriters tend to embellish details of the mughal era due to their their own bias towards the muslim pre-dominance of that time. It's probably a good thing that Singaporean Hindus are quite far removed from such sensitivities. Well...my generation at least. I can't speak for the older generations.

So yay yay for everything! I'm determined to enjoy this week to the fullest since the nightmare begins next week. I'd be going MIA for awhile - give or take 3 weeks -...but don't give up on me yet!

Cheers with much love from my end!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heya! Haha! Noticed the mention of my name there in your entry. I wonder why the excitement to see me. Hehe! I'm guessing to see what crazy antics I pull off during bowling rite. Lol!
Hope you're keeping well sweets! Cya tmr! =)