Saturday, May 3, 2008

Like an infectious disease, i never seem to go away

It's been years since i've kept a blog. The general trend of it being.. I keep one, maintain it for abit, get sick of the many critics and detractors within the netizen population, hurl some expletives in the general direction of my laptop and click the 'delete blog' button. And just like that, months of writings disappear from the electronic world.

Aye, patience has never been one of my virtues. The intrinsic ability of some to weather the harshest of critics and most damnable of idotic netizens is yet another ability i do not possess.

I'm pretty low on virtues like that. Don't have much use of them. Nevertheless, i shall attempt for the third time (they say the third time's the charm eh?) to mantain a functional, though perhaps not-quite coherent, blog and...and we'll see how it goes.

The blog heading is a shoutout to the now defunct Vendetta Red. The pic you see above is one of their album covers. Anyone who's everyone who knows me know that i'm a huge fan of rock. I'll take it in whichever form you give it - hell even classic. Vendetta Red was simply awesome. Pity that good bands never last. Anyway, i've taken some creative license with one of their song titles (or maybe not quite!) - Lipstick Tourniquette. You'll notice that the last two alphabets are conveniently deleted. Well, it's a necessary evil methinks. Leave it and the header overuns the borders of the skin. Delete it and...well, all's dandy in my tiny little world.
That's it for the first post i guess. I cannot think of anything share-worthy at the moment and i cannot be arsed to think of soul-wrenchingly deep bullshit either.'s goodbye for now. I'll be back...when i'm back. And no, i'm not quite tossing on over a metaphorical pair of ray bans.

1 comment:

Lavi said...

congrats on opening up a new blog! :) here's to more happy entries!