Sunday, May 11, 2008

Of stiffies (mind outta gutter please!) and achy muscles..

So, i finally received my parcel. I may not have to engage in manslaughter-y-like crimes for the moment. Although considering the number of white hairs i've received in the span of WAITING...hmm. *snerk*

In other news, i'm sunburnt and suffering for stiff-shoulderitis. I'm not complaining though, considering that i haven't had this much fun since my trip to vietnam-cambodia.

Van, Sunny and I headed down to Kota Tinggi yesterday and it'd be a bit of an understatement to say that we had a rollin' good time! The waterfalls were brilliant, the food excellent and the company was beyond wonderful. We trekked, swam, slid, ate and in true suba-style, lost a key and had to pay a fine of 30RM. My only consolation is that after conversion, i only lost about 12 SGD or so.

Some pictures from the trip..

In the cab, heading towards Mt.Guntahak. There's Sunny and the very adorable Van

There's something awe-inspiring about nature's creations. I always get this sense of wonderment when faced with one of her marvels. This was no exception.

A group of friends at the rocks leading towards to the lesser of the waterfalls.

Taking off our shoes to cross over to the other end of the bank. This was taken during our trek and boy did the water provide us with some respite! It was hot like hell in the forested regions of the mountain. And since there was no proper trail, we were quite literally doing a climb worthy of Spiderman. My quads still groan in protest everytime i attempt to get up from my seat.

In the cab, on the way back to JB. Pic's self-explanatory really. Exhaustion's written all over my face. Evidently, i'm also channeling Sadako.

Speaking of vacations, Van and I have decided on a trip to Hanoi and Saigon sometime end august. I'm highly excited about that since i've been wanting to visit Hanoi for the longest time. Might also want to to check out train services to Beijing, cost and all that. Yay for the return of coffee-ly goodness!

I'm also highly excited for the upcoming holiday on Vesak day. I've got a nice birthday surprise planned for Jos :D

Promise to update soon but for now i gotta run! Cheers to all my lovelies!

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